Since its inception in 2001, DK Company has grown to become one of Europe’s leading suppliers of fashion and lifestyle brands catering to men and women.

DK Company celebrated its 20th anniversary with a record result of DKK 612 million before tax, based on record revenue of DKK 3.9 billion a growth rate of 20%.

Today we are 2,400 employees, and our business offers fashion based on value for money and luxury for less. With an efficient and cost-conscious supply chain, we ensure competitive prices with a wide range of fashion brands that appeal to customers all over the world.

Our palette of brands vary from Blend, Fransa, ICHI and b.young to Matinique, InWear, Part Two, Cream, Kaffe, Gestuz and others. Our 25 brands are represented at more than 16,500 selling points with a strong geographical presence in more than 35 countries worldwide.

We have our own 450 selling points/shops: fully and partly owned, franchises, concession, and consignment.

DK Company aims to build long-term ‘winwin’ relationships between the Company, its employees, customers, suppliers, and the surroundings – it is from here, the strategic concept of ‘5 x win’ has emerged. The relationships are based on trust, proximity, and mutual respect for the entire value chain.

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